LegalTech is hot. And when things get hot, you can easily burn yourself. When providers and consultants shout ‘You have to move now, before it’s too late’, it’s actually time to keep a cool head and think carefully. When it comes to LegalTech1 investments, there is a substantial risk that rushing would lead legal departments toward the wrong decisions.
Read MoreDefining “legal risk” is tricky. Risk management professionals disagree as to whether the risk that a company would breach anti-corruption laws constitutes a legal risk: some say it does, because a law would be breached, while other say it does not, because the breach as such is not a matter of law but a matter of behavior (so it should belong to the category of governance risk, or operational risk, or whatever).
Read MoreComment penser l’innovation, quand on est avocat ? Il est courant, dans un certain discours managérial, de présenter l’innovation comme une vertu souverainement bonne, comme un impératif moral catégorique s’imposant à tous de manière indiscutable, auquel il conviendrait de faire allégeance les yeux fermés, et au service duquel il s’imposerait de s’employer séance tenante.
Read MoreLes associations d’avocats sont comme les mariages. Bon nombre ne résistent pas à l’épreuve du temps. Certaines se brisent dans mille fracas, d’autres végètent et sombrent dans une morne torpeur, beaucoup maintiennent une façade de collégialité camouflant mal querelles, rancœurs et immobilisme.
Read MoreSome firms assign non-billable targets to their people. It is not uncommon to see firms where professionals have to achieve, let's say 300 non-billable hours per year. If you are in that situation, keep reading.
Read MoreWe believe that the HR challenges law firms are facing outweigh their marketing challenges. The way firms manage human resources will determine their ability to attract, retain and motivate the talent necessary to develop the truly excellent and profitable organisations law firms want to be.
Read MoreSpecialisation, rationalisation and the increasingly international activities of clients affect all law firms. Independent ones included
Read MoreThe ultimate challenge of law firms is to create synergy between the brilliant but colourful experts inhabiting them.
Read MoreTraining Ideas for Law Firms, Legal Departments and Law Professionals
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